Pool Recirculate Position: An Easy Guide [2024]
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When to Use Recirculate on Pool Filter?
Have you checked the settings on the multiport valve on your pool sand filter? The 7 settings are Filter, Backwash, Rinse, Waste, Recirculate, Winter, and Closed. You might wonder why the Pool Filter Recirculate position exists and when to use it.
The recirculate position is for circulating pool water without filtering it. Use this setting to distribute pool chemicals without clogging the filter with contaminants like algae.
Circulation is required for shocking the pool but the filter would get overwhelmed by the extraordinary quantity of algae.
Use Pool Recirculate Position When Adding Floc to Your Pool
When your pool is cloudy and you want to clear it fast, flocculant, rather than a clarifier, is the right pool chemical to use. The flocculant will clump together the microscopic solid contaminants and sink them to the floor.
BioGuard Powerfloc is a very powerful flocculant for swimming pools. BioGuard PowerFloc clears excessively cloudy water. Use it after a rainstorm or a period of time when your pump wasn’t running (perhaps during a vacation). The greater the amount of debris in the water, the faster it works.
It settles suspended particles to the bottom for removal by vacuum and makes water clear and sparkling. Product Dosage 8 fl oz per 10,000 gallons of water.
You do not want the clumped debris finding its way to the filter medium and clogging it. Yet you want the flocculant to circulate throughout the pool. Run your pool filter on the Recirculate mode at this time.
So you can use the Recirculate position on the multiport valve of your sand filter, anytime you have to add pool chemicals and broadcast them evenly throughout the pool, but do not want the contaminants to clog up the filter medium.
When the pool filter is set to Recirculate position, the solid debris remains inside the pool while the chemicals are circulated. The solid waste that sinks to the pool bottom can then be vacuumed to waste.
Use Pool Recirculate Position if Part of Your Filter is Broken
There are instances when a part of your pool sand filter is broken and it is not filtering. If the filter can still be run on “Recirculate” mode, do it. Circulation of the sanitizer is essential to ensure that the pool water does not stagnate and your pool remains free of pathogens.
Of course get the filter fixed as soon as possible. You want your pool to be clear of solid particles and debris too!
For more detailed information on all settings check out my post Pool Multiport Valve Settings (The Best Guide With Simple Schematics!).
How Long Can You Run a Pool Pump on Recirculate?
As a thumb rule, 2 hours of running the pool filter on Recirculate is enough. This is enough time for a pool chemical such as Cal Hypo or Floc to be evenly distributed throughout the pool.
However, there is no limit on how long you can or should run the pool filter on the “Recirculate” mode. Run it for as long as it takes to get the job done.
Running a pool sand filter on “recirculate position is the same as running a pool cartridge filter without the cartridge.
Obviously pool chemicals in powder or granular form take longer than those that are in liquid form or have been pre-dissolved in a bucket of water.
Is Whirlpool the Same as “Recirculate”?
Yes. The Whirlpool setting is the same as the Recirculate setting.
The labelling is different but either way the pool water will flow into the filter, bypass the filter medium and flow right back into the pool through the return jets.
Recommended Pool Sand Filters
Best Sand Filter
The Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter for in-ground swimming pools will provide you with hassle-free, effective filtration. The weather-proof tank is constructed of a tough, color-fast polymeric material.
Even water distribution over every square inch of sand is ensured by an integral top diffuser, self-cleaning under drain and 360 degree slotted laterals. Advanced full-flow technology reduces energy costs by achieving excellent filtration, so you can run your filter less.
Thorough backwashing allows for crystal-clear water. Filter is complete with tank, 7-way multi-port valve, sight glass and pressure gauge. 7-way Valve Positions: Filter, Waste, Winter, Closed, Backwash, Recirculation, Rinse.
Hayward Pro Series Pool Sand Filter
- Durable corrosion proof materials for dependable all weather performance
- Large pressure sand/water drain for rapid winterizing or servicing
- Side-mount models are available with 6-position VariFlo or 2-position slide valve
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