Why Run Pool Filter in Winter? And Other Important Questions Answered!
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Why Run Pool Filter in Winter?
The opportunity to save some money by not running the pool pump & filter during winter is very tempting. After all, you are not using the pool! So why run pool filter in winter?
You must run pool filter in winter, even though you may not be using the pool. The contamintion load is low but not zero. You may, however, reduce the run time per day.
Keeping your pool under winter covers will reduce the amount of debris, germs, bacteria and algae entering your pool. But you can not eliminate them. Only running your pool pump & filter can do that.
So do keep the pool pump & filter running during winter (possibly for lesser hours) and save yourself money & headaches at pool opening time!
Running your pool pump & filter during winter is not the same as running them during the summer pool season. In this post I am going to tell you what you need to know about running your pool filtration system during winter.
This post of course will be more useful if your pool is in a location that experiences temperatures between 35 and 60 degrees F during winter months.
How Long to Run Pool Filter in Winter?
During the peak summer pool season you should be running your pool pump for at least 8 hours.
Whenever the number of swimmers is high, such as on weekends or there has been an increase in contamination, due to rain or wind storms, you might want to increase the pump running time to even 12 hours.
To ensure that your pool is clear, clean & safe, it is important that the entire volume of water in your pool is circulated at least twice a day.
This is why the pool pump & filter should run for 8 hours per day in summer.
The filtration & circulation load is a lot lower in winter as
- There are fewer swimmers in winter. If it is really cold and the pool is not heated then there may be none! Less swimmers means less contamination from the human body such as sweat, oil, suntan lotion, urine etc.
- Less dry leaves falling in the pool. The trees in your yard may have already lost all their leaves during the fall season.
- Growth of germs, bacteria and algae tends to slow down in winter due to lower temperatures and reduced sunlight.
- You may have decided to put on the pool covers for winter.
- You can shock your pool just once a month rather than once a week in summer.
- You need to add less pool chemicals and at less frequency. The need for pool circulation in winter is greatly reduced.
You can run the pool pump & filter for just 4 hours a day, in winter. It should be enough!
How Often Should I Run My Pool Filter in the Winter?
It is best to run the pool pump & filter for at least 4 hours at a stretch. It will ensure that the entire volume of pool water has been circulated once.
In summer you can run your pool pump & filter continuously for 8 hours per day. However, it is better to run it in 2 shifts of 4 hours each. One in the Night and one in the Day.
Since you will run your pool pump & filter for only 4 hours per day, run it at a stretch. You can run the pool pump during off-peak hours, when electricity rates are lower.
Can You Run a Pool Pump with Winter Cover On?
Having a winter cover on, does not interfere with the pool’s filtration system in any way. You can certainly run the pool pump & filter with the winter cover on.
Covering up your outdoor pool during winter months makes a lot of sense. It is a good idea to use a pool cover, whenever you do not intend to use the pool for extended periods. You can further reduce the amount of bugs and debris that get into your pool. It also adds to safety.
Actually by using a winter cover and reducing the pool contamination you can further reduce the pool pump & filter times during winter.
If filtration of contaminants is not your main concern, you can run the filter with the multiport valve (MPV) on Recirculate position. Run it after adding the pool chemicals, so that they are evenly broadcast across the entire pool volume.
How Do I Keep My Pool Pump from Freezing?
The decision to keep your pool running during winter or to winterize it, really depends on where you live and how cold is the winter.
If temperatures drop to freezing or even below freezing on a few days it is not necessary to winterize your pool. However, you have to be vigilant that the water in the pool plumbing or valves does not freeze.
The best way to keep the water in the pipes from freezing is to keep it moving. So if the temperature is in the 30-35 degree F range, you need to keep the pool pump running for longer.
However, if you live in a location where the temperature dips and stays below freezing for several weeks, then do not take any chances. Winterize your pool!
Recommended Pool Pump & Sand Filter
Best Pool Pump
The Hayward Super Pump large-capacity, technologically advanced pump blends cost-efficient design with durable construction, setting the standard for excellence and value.
Super-sized 110 cubic-inch basket has extra leaf-holding capacity and extends time between cleanings. Rigid construction with load extender ribbing assures free flowing operation for heavy debris loads.
The Hayward Super Pump features a large see-through strainer cover, a super-size debris basket, and an exclusive service-ease design for extra convenience.
Hayward W3SP2610X15 Super Pump Pool Pump, 1.5 HP
- Heavy-duty, high-performance motor and airflow ventilation provide quieter, cooler, more efficient operation
- Extra-large debris basket provides added leaf-holding capacity for less frequent maintenance
- Exclusive swing-away hand knobs make for easy strainer cover removal without tools
- Unique service-ease design offers quick 4-bolt access to all internal components for simple servicing
Best Sand Filter
The Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter for in-ground swimming pools will provide you with hassle-free, effective filtration. The weather-proof tank is constructed of a tough, color-fast polymeric material.
Even water distribution over every square inch of sand is ensured by an integral top diffuser, self-cleaning under drain and 360 degree slotted laterals. Advanced full-flow technology reduces energy costs by achieving excellent filtration, so you can run your filter less.
Thorough backwashing allows for crystal-clear water. Filter is complete with tank, 7-way multi-port valve, sight glass and pressure gauge. 7-way Valve Positions: Filter, Waste, Winter, Closed, Backwash, Recirculation, Rinse.
Hayward Pro Series Pool Sand Filter
- Durable corrosion proof materials for dependable all weather performance
- Large pressure sand/water drain for rapid winterizing or servicing
- Side-mount models are available with 6-position VariFlo or 2-position slide valve
Thank you very much for reading the post. I do hope you found it informative and helpful.